Andy es un adolescente impaciente y muy creativo. Sus padres lo presionan para que vaya a trabajar con ellos en el aburrido negocio familiar, pero Andy no quiere, le teme a la idea de hace un trabajo rutinario y aburrido el resto de su vida. Con Leo, su mejor amigo que se distrae fácilmente, intentan encontrar lo que quieren ser en la vida, para llegar a la idea perfecta que los haga famosos y evitar su triste destino.
With the help of the internet, technology, and their creativity they try everything: from Youtube tutorials, being hip hop stars, making video games, and even ice cream photography. They are the perfect entrepreneurs, each day trying something new, failing, but never getting discouraged. Of course, along the way they will get distracted, meet new people, and go on crazy fun adventures together. Some other friends will join them on their adventures, one of them is Mel, with her cool and sarcastic exterior but very nerdy interior.
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